Sunday, August 14, 2011

A Day in Alice Springs

After a very nice pancake breakfast put on by the caravan park (there are benefits when you stay at Big 4 caravan parks Mum and Terry!) we went to see the Reptile Park. The kids had a great time although Charlie wasn't too impressed with Terry the salt water crocodile "Do something Terry" he kept yelling at it! There was an excellent talk and the kids got to hold a few reptiles including a snake and a couple of lizards.

Patting Frank the goanna with their new friends from Seaford. This is the boys with Honey the Olive Python.

Charlie holding Snickers the Blue Tongue Lizard.

Jack and Bob

We then had a tour of the Royal Flying Doctors Service headquarters. The museum had some great life size models which made you feel like you were looking out the window of a plane in the air. It is an amazing service and all covered by Medicare! Hopefully we won't need it.
In the evening there was a talk and performance by a guy who played the didgeridoo at the Caravan Park. Tom and Jack both had a turn of playing and both managed to get sounds out of it. They even won a CD for such a great performance.

Location:Alice Springs

1 comment:

  1. Hi Family Brookes,

    What a wonderful trip you have started and fascinating to be able to read about it all.
    We posted a comment on the first day but it appears this didn't get published.
    We will try and stay in touch during your travels.
    Love and best wishes to all from the Werps' family.
