Monday, November 21, 2011

Tom's Fishing Charter from Monkey Mia

When Michael took the boys out fishing in Broome, Tom spent the whole day with very bad sea sickness. So bad in fact that he only touched a rod for about 30 seconds then threw up and had to lie down again! So he has been feeling a bit left out. Since we have been travelling with the McCloskeys who are into their fishing, Tom has developed an interest, or should we say obsession with fishing. He bought a Gregory's Fishing Guide from the op shop in Carnarvon for a dollar and reads it every night in bed and quite regularly through the day too. So we thought it would be good for him to try out another charter. Michael took him out on the Mac Attack boat that went for a half day trip from the jetty at Monkey Mia. Although there definitely weren't as many fish as the Broome trip, some people on the trip didn't catch anything, Tommy managed to get the largest fish of the day. Not only that, he also managed to catch 2 fish at the same time! Here is a picture of his big fish, a Tusk fish (also sometimes called a blue grouper or something like that). He would also like me to mention that these fish are very rare and are hardly ever caught with a line!

This is the first fish he caught, a snapper, but it was too small and had to be thrown back.

This is a picture of all the fish caught for the day, Tom's 2 fish on the left and then one of Michael's next to it. The smaller ones they caught are blue lined emperors I think.

Tom is now very happy with the world again and is looking forward to our trip to Steep Point which is apparently the best fishing in the world! Big call so we will see. A lot of people balloon fish off the cliffs which we won't be doing so hopefully there is still something to catch off the beach.

1 comment:

  1. Go Tom! :) Have been catching up on posts and you've made me put WA on my holiday list, although I think we may have to wait until P&G are a little older! Sounds like such an awesome adventure, I think you will struggle to come back here too :( We will miss you all so much at Christmas! Fi xoxo
